Friday morning before we departed, we were treated to an early morning van ride to Remington Arms. Early in the formation of the company, Eliphalet Remington decided to move it to Ilion in 1825 due to the opening of the Erie Canal, which allowed them to get raw materials easily and cheaply. At the factory they have a very nice museum.

Wall after wall of guns, all different designs, all in pristine condition. The main part that stuck out to me was the exhibit they had about how the actions of the guns were originally designed by carving them in their entirety in wood. This is all the tiny pieces that make it possible for the cartridge to be pulled from the magazine and loaded into the chamber carved out of wood. I was stunned by the detail and workmanship that went into these pieces. I was really glad that we got a chance to see it all.

Tom Larsen
AB Crew
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