Vermont Underwater Historic Preserves

VT Division for Historic Preservation Logo

The Vermont Underwater Historic Preserve is operated by the Vermont Division of Historic Preservation and managed by Lake Champlain Maritime Museum on their behalf.

The Lake Champlain Underwater Historic Preserve provides public access for divers to some of the lake’s historic shipwrecks from May to October each year. The system is designed to protect these irreplaceable historic resources both from anchor damage and artifact collecting. With the continued cooperation of the recreational diving community these wrecks will be available for generations of divers to enjoy.

Lake Champlain’s Historic Preserve system works and succeeds only with your cooperation. The protection of historic shipwrecks and safety of other divers is your responsibility. Divers who witness violations of the preserve diving guidelines are asked to voluntarily report them to the Vermont State Police Marine Division (802) 655-3435 and the New York State Police (518) 962-8235.

Access to the sites in the Lake Champlain Underwater Historic Preserve is free of charge, but divers must register annually prior to using the Preserve System.

Read the 2022 Preserves Survey

During the 2022 Dive Season, we conducted a survey of the Vermont Underwater Historic Preserves. We asked registered divers about how they access the preserves and what they want to see in the future. You can review the full results of this survey in the preview below or by clicking the linked text underneath the preview window. Thanks to all who participated!

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>LINK:</strong> <strong>2022 Vermont Underwater Historic Preserve Survey</strong>LINK: 2022 Vermont Underwater Historic Preserve Survey