by Erick Tichonuk
When you have anywhere from 8 – 13 crew between two boats and only one head per boat (that’s a toilet for you lubbers) and no showers, you can bet we’re always looking for shore-side facilities. In our six years of touring we’ve become quite the aficionados in sniffing out the best in boater amenities. From the bright blue port-o-let sweat boxes to the spacious, clean, and organized, we’ve seen it all. In fact, I’m tempted to write a guidebook, because all boaters are looking for the same things; restrooms, showers, laundry, fuel, pump-out, groceries, restaurants, watering holes and cultural attractions (not always in that order, but the first two are most important).

Our last visit to Seneca Falls in 2007 was very special. We were once again part of a community as Lois became stage for the marriage of Marty and Cher McCutcheon.

Imagine my joy as the happy couple returned to see us this visit and present us with an image of their special day. As great as Seneca Falls was on our last visit it lacked the amenities we boaters so desperately desire; toilets and showers.
Thanks to a Greenways Grant provided by the New York State Canal Corporation Seneca Falls now has one of the finest boaters amenities facilities in the canal system. Clean restrooms, spacious showers, and a coin-op laundry combined with a beautiful village make this a prime boating destination. According to the friendly and capable harbor master, John Kinny, the volume of boats has more than doubled in 2010. Our compliments and thanks to Seneca Falls and Canal Corporation for a fantastic facility.
Erick Tichonuk
First Mate