This past Wednesday, LCMM’s educators Rich Isenberg and Tom Larsen went to Ludlow Elementary School to present a Lake Sailor program. This classroom program simulates canal boat shipping activities on Lake Champlain in the 19th century. Students are put in teams of four, each with a boat to direct. They get to choose what types of cargo they carry to which ports, and do their best to make a profit. Then there’s the weather variable – will they get great weather? High winds or perhaps no wind at all? Usually, the results are similar to those historically – about half of the boats make a profit, and the other half owe money. The 6th grade of Ludlow broke that trend with all crews coming out ahead. Great job!

You can check out photos of the program on the website of the Ludlow 6th grade HERE.
Want to book your program? LCMM has money available to partially or fully subsidize a program in your school! Read about our programs, then call (802) 475-2022 to book it!
Fantastic, Tom and Rich.
Looks like the students of Ludlow 6th grade were enjoying and learning at the same time. Keep up the good work.
Thanks! We had a great time doing it.